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Air Treatment ClimateCare
20 Densley Ave, Toronto, ON M6M 2R1, Canada
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Iron Fireman – Main Office
262 W Main St, Wales, WI 53183-9422, USA
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Holbrook Heating Inc CENTRAL – Jamesville/Pompey
3140 Sweet Rd, Jamesville, NY 13078-9637, USA
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Find a contractor that works for you
Remodeling or adding AC? The Unico System is perfect for retrofitting a home with air conditioning or updating your HVAC during a remodel.
Older homes have features that are worth preserving. Unico’s small ducts are made of flexible material, making it possible to thread them through existing walls and ceilings. No need to tear up walls or make room for new ductwork – the Unico System fits your home. What’s more, our high velocity air conditioning system reduces humidity by 30% helping to preserve those features of your home while also making you feel more comfortable.
You can place a Unico in any out-of-the-way space thanks to its customizable, modular design. Small enough to fit into closets, attics and crawl spaces, the Unico System delivers comfortable, conditioned air to every room.
Contractor Badges
Unico Veteran
Unico A+ Contractor
Factory Training
Field Training
Online Training
Unico Leadership
NATE Certified
Offers special Unico financing for every installation performed.
Custom Home
Has experience installing The Unico System in Custom Homes.