Product Rebates
Your home’s HVAC system may be eligible for State and/or Federal product rebates. Below, Unico has compiled a sample list of incentives (e.g., rebates, tax credits, and loan programs) available to U.S. homeowners for various HVAC technologies. For more information regarding rebates in your local area, Unico advises speaking with your installing contractor.
Residential HVAC Equipment Energy Incentives by State
While The Unico System meets the requirements of many of the incentives listed here, we have also included information regarding incentives for matching and compatible HVAC equipment (e.g., outdoor heat pumps, etc.) whether they are offered by Unico or not. Some incentive programs may require Energy Star-certified equipment. Some Unico components qualify for Energy Star rating; please contact us for specific details.
Unico provides this information as an added value and does not guarantee qualification for any programs listed herein. Please work with your installer and local program provider to determine eligibility of your installed equipment. Unico strongly recommends that consumers consult with their tax advisors when researching and applying for any federal or state tax credits or other forms of energy efficiency incentives.
Also please note that utility and municipal organizations frequently change or update web links, so it’s possible you may experience a “page not found” message. However, in most cases, you’ll be taken to the provider’s website and can search the site for any available incentive programs.
Local municipalities and state governments periodically update, amend, and add rebates and financial incentives. If you don’t see your local provider here, search the database at
For information on federal incentives for HVAC technologies through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 please click here. [Insert link to federal incentives page]
Federal Residential Energy Efficiency Tax Credit for HVAC Equipment*
On August 16, 2022, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. This law includes current tax incentives and pending rebates available to homeowners who install certain types of energy efficient HVAC equipment in their homes.
Property placed in service after 12/31/2022: H.R. 5376 of 2022 modified the value of this tax credit, making it 30% of the cost of an item or improvement. Each item or improvement has a separate tax credit cap as shown below, and a taxpayer cannot claim more than $1,200 in total tax credits per year, except as specified. Qualified Energy Property:
Taxpayers who purchase qualified residential energy-efficient property may be eligible for a tax credit. The equipment must meet or exceed the highest efficiency tier (not including any advanced tier) established by the Consortium for Energy Efficiency which is in effect as of the beginning of the calendar year in which the equipment is placed in service, and/or any additional standards specified below. The credit is equal to 30% of the cost of the equipment. Note, heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, and biomass stoves have caps that exceed the otherwise $1,200 cap for this credit:
A natural gas or electric heat pump water heater: $2,000 maximum credit
An electric or natural gas heat pump: $2,000 maximum credit
A central air conditioner
A natural gas, propane, or oil water heater
A natural gas, propane, or oil furnace or hot water boiler that meets additional requirements
A biomass stove with a thermal efficiency rating of at least 75% that is used to heat a dwelling or water: $2,000 maximum credit
Any improvement to or replacement of a panelboard, sub-panelboard, branch circuits, or feeders which is installed in accordance with the National Electric Code, has a load capacity of not less than 200 amps, is installed in conjunction with any qualified energy efficiency improvement.
Associated Links:
IRS code:
IRS Energy Credit Instructions:
IRS Energy Credit Form:
For purchases made in 2005 – 2022:
The aggregate amount of credit is limited to $500. A taxpayer is ineligible for this tax credit if this credit has already been claimed by the taxpayer in an amount of $500 in any previous year.
For purchases made in 2009 or 2010:
Aggregate amount of credit for all technologies placed in service in 2009 and 2010 combined is limited to $1,500
Note: Section 13301 of The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (H.R. 5376) modified this tax credit and extended the expiration date. Among other changes, the bill replaced the credit’s previous $500 lifetime limit per taxpayer with an annual limit of $1,200.
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 established the tax credit for energy improvements to existing homes. The credit was originally limited to purchases made in 2006 and 2007, with an aggregate cap of $500 for all qualifying purchases made in these two years combined. There were also separate individual caps for the different equipment types. The Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008 (H.R. 1424: Div. B, Sec. 302) reinstated the credit for 2009 purchases and made other minor adjustments. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 further extended the credit to include improvements made in 2010 and replaced the $500 aggregate cap with a $1,500 aggregate cap for improvements made in 2009 and 2010. This credit has since been renewed several times, but the credit was reduced to its original form and original cap of $500, only to be increased again by the Inflation Reduction Act.
All information within this page is excerpted from the U.S. Federal Government as catalogued by and covers HVAC equipment only (other tax incentives are available for energy efficiency upgrades to residences). Unico strongly recommends that consumers consult with their tax advisors when researching and applying for any federal or state tax credits or other forms of energy efficiency incentives.
View Rebates By State

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If you have questions regarding specific energy savings in your state, contact your local Unico Rep for more information. A Unico Representative can also help you register your Unico system and find a local contractor for installation and service requests.