Guide to Unico
Your customers have a lot of choices when it comes to indoor comfort products and the specialists who install them. Today’s homeowners are armed with a wealth of online information about the features and benefits of various central air products and, likewise, they investigate the reputation and experience of HVAC contractors.
Set yourself apart by offering your customers the best air conditioning system on the market, The Unico System.
Unico Fits Your Business.

Contractor Tool Kit™
Looking for some extra marketing support? Unico has you covered with our Contractor Tool Kit™. We’ve provided marketing and sales support for every sized business.

Design Services


Unico University
Unico University provides HVAC contractors with the resources & training necessary for the complete understanding of The Unico System and its proper installation.
Contractor Tool Kit™
The Unico Contractor Tool Kit™ is intended to be a one-stop shop for all things Unico marketing.
We designed this kit to be an easy-to-use, added level of support to your existing marketing efforts of the Unico product line.
Within the tool kit, you will find everything you need. From digital advertising assets on Facebook and Google to co-branded literature pieces you can customize to represent your business on a local level. We have also included Unico product images and installation images for your use on your website or social pages.
Up to 10 Year Warranty
Unico Preferred Contractors receive a 5-Year Limited Parts Warranty on their Unico installations. More importantly, when the installation is registered with Unico Inc. within 90-days of install, we will extend the warranty for an additional 5 years, giving your customer a 10-Year Limited Parts Warranty on their Unico System (see Warranty Matrix).
For more details on limited equipment warranty and eligibility requirements, see our Residential Extended Ten-Year Limited Warranty bulletin.
Website Listing & Leads
Our targeted advertising drives over 350,000 end-user visits to our website every year to learn about The Unico System. Being listed as a Unico Preferred Contractor on our website helps end-users to quickly Find An Installing Contractor in their area.
Sales Support & Resources
Unico has the best sales support in the business, starting with our own Unico Customer Care department and Sales Directors. We also have a group of manufacturer representatives, Local Unico Experts, covering every market in North America.
We know it takes a better contractor to sell and install our products. As a Unico Preferred Contractor, you are the best of the best! We have a growing list of support materials and sales resources for you to use to help promote and sell the Unico System. See what’s available in our Resources for Contractors.
Bid Tool
Need help pricing a specific application or project? Download our Unico Fast Quote tool.
AHRI Certified
Unico System indoor units are certified and listed in the AHRI Directory of Certified Product Performance to search for matches to outdoor unit brands. Need a quick step-by-step? Here’s how to begin your search.
Join the Team
Become a Unico Preferred Contractor
A program trusted by more than 2,000 contractors, Unico installers enjoy the benefits and profits of qualified leads provided by the Unico Inside Sales Team, as well as technical support unparalleled in the industry.

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